Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Rainbow souls


Knowing the splendor of each distinctive band of color in a rainbow readily mixing with the next, comprising something even grander than itself, reminds us of our celestial and eternal heritage. When the ever-present light shines from beyond the cloud, the reflection of our rainbow colors emerge. Symbolically this is the awakening we are all undergoing.

Where some presently see only rigid and structured contrast of black and white, us and them, others are becoming keenly aware that a new dawn is prompting us to arise and walk consciously together in our world once again. By noticing the interconnected and multidimensional magnificence all around us, we are allowing the spark of light within to shine through us as joy and compassion, kindness and integrity. It is our unconditional spirit that seamlessly blends with our reality and brings the full spectrum of color into our experience.

As we venture forth, do we continue to prolong our slumber under the sense of separation or choose to fully awaken to our heart’s calling? The choice is as simple as we make it and unfolds moment-by-moment with our intention. Let’s stand up and be an active participant embracing our rainbow colors letting them shine, rather than lingering for a while longer in the duality of contrast as the alarms get louder. The call of unconditional love is beckoning us forward in our full creative capacity dreaming new worlds into existence. Future generations are counting on your dazzling courage to fully awaken now.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation

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