Friday, 3 November 2017

Embracing Love

For many people, the key missing ingredient to their lives is the simple experience of unconditional love. Beyond our material possessions, families, relationships, and careers, each of us quietly seeks the feeling and embodiment of love.

As we move about in our daily routines, faced with ever-increasing issues of stress and challenge, fear and doubt, a soft inner voice is speaking to us. This is the voice of deeper truth and reason.

There is another way, another path. It is a path paved with the conscious use of love. It is going beyond personal love into the realm of unconditional love. It is the recognition that all life deserves love regardless of its appearance or actions. All life is sacred despite any illusion to the contrary.

It is with this recognition that we can affect amazing change in our lives, both personal and global. In fact, right this moment you are affecting life just by your current attitudes, perspectives, thoughts, and feelings. What if you decided to view life with love?

Let's make love a choice and let's make it popular by our word, deed and action. Begin with yourself by loving yourself and then share it with everyone and everything around you. Sound simple? It is.

Love requires no special talent, skill or knowledge. It is held within each of us every moment. We need only realize it is ever present and available to invoke its gift. When we choose love, we receive and share in the beauty of life itself.


Love is the universal power that connects us all together and brings meaning to life. Yet, how many of us experience this love in our daily lives? Who among us can consciously focus and become this love each moment? The answer is simple: anyone and everyone.

We are all capable of experiencing love all the time because love is contained in all experiences. There is never a time when love is unavailable. It is always there. Love is the creative force within all things. We are the only ones who forget this truth.

The key to experiencing love more frequently is to seek it out and become it. Wherever there is fear, doubt, anger, hatred, resentment, or judgment, we have an opportunity to find love. We do this by first invoking forgiveness. To forgive ourselves and others is the beginning step to realizing the love held within life.

Every amount of effort we can place in this process is worth it. By using forgiveness and invoking compassion we transform our world. It is the only way to free ourselves and others of limitation and negative experiences.

Decide today to make love a priority. Do what comes naturally and follow your heart. Listen within, forgive yourself and others, and ask for the truth of love to become your experience. Make it your intent and it shall become your experience.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation

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