Sunday 11 February 2018

I wish you all Peace and Joy

I wish you all Peace and Joy today, may we find a place to rest a while and to take a breath.

May we find our Peace in that breath and may we find our Joy in that Peace.


Which reminds me… that my Love is not my own, but ours, that my Peace is not my own, but ours to share.

And though I use the word ‘my’, I believe that Love is not a thing to hold, to own, but Love is Love, it is who we are.

And I can know Love.  And WE can know Peace.  And we can KNOW Joy.


Who is this Love, this Peace, this Joy?

Is it far from us, is it outside of us, of course we know that this is not true!

It is who WE are, where WE are, here in this holy place of you and me, of us.


Who is this Courage, this Hope, this Strength, if not our Love?


Having read today’s Daily Question, I decided that I would plant seeds today.

Instead of simply planting, I find that I am, at present harvesting past seeds planted, seeds which have grown within me (us) and are even now, bearing fruit.

Let us sow AND reap today.

We shall ALL plant, we shall all water and wait and tend.

Happy Day everyone.


From over at

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