Sunday, 3 December 2017

Yes, Yes, Yes!

By Alisamom at Kindspring (I just had to re-post this article over here too!)

I posted a little story on my Facebook page about how/why my life has changed in 2017. It's gotten a lot of good comments from friends. And because that change is almost exclusively due to everything I've learned from YOU over the past few years, here's a copy of my post for you. (slightly edited - I deleted names here)

Long post ahead and I’m probably sharing TMI. And I hope this doesn't come across as bragging or showing off, that's not why I'm writing this - I kinda just want to thank the people involved in making my year better.
So here it goes:
At the end of last year I read an article about how women, as mothers and spouses, say "no" too often when they could be saying "yes". Because there are always chores to do, errands to run, things that the kids, spouse, and pets need and want, there are always other priorities, things that are (supposed to be) more important than our own needs and wants. And that women should say "yes" more often because it’s good for ourselves and everyone around us. We and everyone around us deserves more “yes”.
And so I decided to make 2017 my “year of saying yes”.
I said yes to naps, lazy days, and girls’ days out; yes to cookies, ice cream, and wine; to walks in the park, picnics, and getting lost in the mountains; yes to hugs, holding hands, and sitting in the sun; yes to invites, new skills, hobbies, and friends.
And it was great.
And I don't know when it happened, but sometime during this last year I noticed that after 7 years here, the thought of staying in Tennessee no longer makes me want to curl up and cry. And that is indeed major progress (…or is it...).

I said yes to a bachelorette party. I had never really spoken much with the bride and in the week leading up to the party I thought about backing out of it every day. But I went. And I had a blast at pole dancing class and lap dancing class and playing a silly game where everyone shares way too much information. Thank you J for inviting me. And thank you K for being my dance lesson partner.
I said yes to my first 5K mud/obstacle run. I was really worried. I don't like getting dirty. But it’s easy after you jump into the first mud pit and with my "team last-place warriors" I had such a blast that I'm hooked - I did another mud run this summer and am waiting for registration to begin for a few runs in 2018. Thank you to all my other team mates!
I said yes to hiking with friends, and I had such a great time. Thank you.
I said yes to going outside of my comfort zone, to meeting and talking with strangers, and I heard so many impressive and wonderful stories and I learned so much and had a great time - and made new friends in the process.
I said yes to relaxing and fun outings with my family and friends, and we had a fun time and made wonderful memories.
I said yes to sharing a room and carpooling for the chorus contest. And I have rarely laughed so much. Thank you.
I said yes to being section co-leader at chorus although I’m doing a really really bad job at that. I'm glad that R is doing a much better job at it. I’ll try to do it better next year. And singing with my chorus sisters is absolutely my lifeline that keeps me out of depression, more than anything else I do. Thanks for letting me sing with you.
I said yes to cancelling obligations because I knew that a nap would be better for me.
I said yes to ladies’ group game night and to going dancing – I had a really good time ordering my first drink in 20+ years and looking like an idiot on the dance floor, thank you!
I said yes to going to the German reunion and getting a hotel room in my own town, sharing it with a stranger, and I enjoyed it so much. German humor is just the best. Thank you R& B for doing all the work organizing this meeting.
And at the German reunion I spoke with C, who introduced me to the balloon business, and because of that I took a class, made wonderful new friends, met a lot of interesting and pleasant people, and I've enjoyed the few jobs I already did so very much that I sure do hope that this will take off big time next year. Thank you to everyone have met through BTI.
I said yes to going to Florida even though I wasn't obligated to do so, and while it was for a heartbreaking occasion I can say that I'm very glad that I took the trip. I had a great time at the beach with my daughter & a friend, and I also really enjoyed our first time snorkeling. And it was worth the 10 hour drive to just sit and listen to a good friend pour her heart out. Thank you B for volunteering to go on a last-minute road trip to the beach with me, I wouldn’t have done it without you. I'm happy that everything turned out fine 😉
I said yes to going to Germany, although it really broke the bank, and I'm so very glad I went to see my mom, my dad, my sister, longtime friends, and that I had the chance to reconnect with former colleagues.
I said yes to sharing part of my story with a friend for a public performance. Thanks for making me remember.
I said yes to becoming involved in politics - and for the first time ever I'm writing to officials. Thanks for helping me do that, 5calls and resistbot.
I said yes to volunteering with and Bridge Refugee Services, and even though that didn't work out as planned I hope that I can take it up next year.
I said yes to taking care of my own health, to walk and exercise and I try to ignore the laundry piles, the dust, and the mess. Because it’s good for me.
I said yes to art days and because of it I have picked up a new hobby. Thank you.
I said yes to more dates with my husband. Movies and dinners and live performances for the first time in …. ever – I had a great time. I love you 😘
I said yes to more girls’ days out with my daughter, and I truly enjoy hanging out with my amazing teen. I love you ❤
I’m sure I forgot a bunch of other stuff and people that I said yes to. But I’m planning on saying yes more often again in 2018. Because saying yes makes life fun. Want to make saying yes to things you enjoy your new years resolution too? I bet it’ll change your life too.

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