Sunday, 24 February 2019

Spirit’s Song

There is a music in silence.

It rises from the ground, green and growing,
Tendriling around my feet,
Tickling some forgotten bloom.

It wafts from the sides, around my body,
Embracing me in delicate
Wisps of the softest breeze.

From my head’s crown, settles a song,
Interlaced with all creation,
Bejeweled in beauty immeasurable.

The melody seems familiar.

Past all seasons.
Past all thought.
Past all knowing.

The song is centered
At the heart of me,
Where it beats a rhythmic force.

So joins the woven song,
Voices long ago heard,
And too, the still becoming.

Until we sway and lift

From this earth, before bound,
Into the greater inner beyond.


Friday, 22 February 2019

From T Henry at

In The Absence of Quiet

Rain, as it falls gently on leaves
The sigh of a new born as she lays sleeping
A brook ripples as you sit by your campfire
October wind

There was a time
When the world was new
When the first sound was
The first sound

Dearth of quiet
Is absence of peace
No safe haven
To reflect on blessings

You cannot hear Him
His words lost
In the clatter
Of our so called lives

Seek out the hidden places of your heart
The wood is fine
All creatures great and small
Welcome you

Be at peace
You are

T Henry
March 28, 2012