Monday, 30 April 2018

Peace Pals International 2017

On November 21, 2017, at the Peace Pals International Awards Ceremony the winners of the 2017 Peace Pals International Art Contest were announced.
20 pieces of artwork were selected from each age category with the theme of Nature for All – Loving the Earth.

Visit to view all submissions from the winners and finalists and to find out more about this years contest which has the theme 'Living Peace - What does Living Peace mean to you?

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Kindness is like a cup of tee

Kindness is like a cup of tee
If you want to taste the tee
You have to fill the cup
So, if you want to taste the happiness
You have to fill your heart with kindness

Life is like a cup of kindness
You can taste it or
You can waste it …

Love is like a cup of tee
You can make it sweet or
You can make it sour …..

KM Bhai

Monday, 23 April 2018

Peace Pals International 2017

On November 21, 2017, at the Peace Pals International Awards Ceremony the winners of the 2017 Peace Pals International Art Contest were announced.
20 pieces of artwork were selected from each age category with the theme of Nature for All – Loving the Earth.

Visit to view all submissions from the winners and finalists and to find out more about this years contest which has the theme 'Living Peace - What does Living Peace mean to you?'

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Since I Grew Wings

Since I grew wings
no longer poor am I.
The ground no longer interests me
as much as drafting the sky.
Catching a current,
I stretch my reach and soar.
Unbound, untethered, there is no thing
except the yes of an opened door.
To say it tickles me is only a hint.
To understand the bigger look
I had to let go, forgive and admit.
There is just here, this floating
past all tumultuous storm,
to then rest in the calm of clouds,
swaddle between being newly born.
When in body before, there was
a heaviness that weighed me down,
but oh, now the lightness carries me
carries me on the feathered flight
beyond all measure
beyond all perceptual sight.


Sunday, 15 April 2018

Peace Pals International 2017

On November 21, 2017, at the Peace Pals International Awards Ceremony the winners of the 2017 Peace Pals International Art Contest were announced.
20 pieces of artwork were selected from each age category with the theme of Nature for All – Loving the Earth.

Visit to view all submissions from the winners and finalists and to find out more about this years contest which has the theme 'Living Peace - What does Living Peace mean to you?

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Something Inside

(A fav of Mish over at

You ask how I speak so confidently
for those I do not know.
Well, in every language
“love” translates the same.
There was never a time
the moon was not loving the wave
in the ancient poetry of sending
away and drawing in.
Raindrop, bucket, ocean—
a single ancestry
poured itself
into every swelling thing.
And now we weep at nothing—
the moan of a chord
the turn of a verse,
the way moonlight falls on a face.
I don’t mean to be didactic, but
something inside longs to be known.
It’s not so difficult to understand
if you sit sweetly in your own fullness.

John Wolf
SUFI Issue 90

Artist Credit: Donia Lilly

For current and back issues go toView Link

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Love Is My Favorite

is my favorite subject
with reams of memories
filling tattered notebooks
albums and frames

that weigh Lighter than air

scribed in paisleys and plaids
hearts and flowers and hugs

and underscored with tears

sits beside me
an invisible companion
holding my hand
helping me write the syllabus

of a diploma learned
in heart
and worn with a golden robe


Monday, 9 April 2018

Your love comes to me

Your love comes to me
in darkened shadowy places
where I forgot to turn on the light.

It spreads over me as a halo
of hope, flecked with gold and tears.

There is nothing unfathomable about
the lifesaver you toss to me.

It is the circular support that buoys me
when those menacing morays
want to nibble at my dangling toes.

Your love washes over me
in gentle healing waves
nudging me towards sunnier skies
and remedies unashamed.

It is the glimmering of universes
dancing on the petals of unfolding.

Fountains sprout where thoughts
once threatened to drown.

And I am saved
by your love.

mj poem

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Peace Pals International 2017

On November 21, 2017, at the Peace Pals International Awards Ceremony the winners of the 2017 Peace Pals International Art Contest were announced.
20 pieces of artwork were selected from each age category with the theme of Nature for All – Loving the Earth.

Visit to view all submissions from the winners and finalists and to find out more about this years contest which has the theme 'Living Peace - What does Living Peace mean to you?'

Saturday, 7 April 2018


Hugs can heal,
Hugs can make you squeal,
Hugs really are a big deal!
So here's one for you,
To cheer you if you're blue,
Straight from my heart to you ❤️

Anyone for a ((((GROUP HUG))))

From Mish over at

Friday, 6 April 2018

In that breath

In that breath,
you know that one - where you breathed in
the love I exhaled.
The love that grew from my chest.
From my heart center,
green as the first tendrils
of spring.

That breath, it traveled
faster than time or tech
to where you were
inflating your belly,
filling your lungs with tenderness
that caused your heart to grow
greener too.

I felt it bloom
with a gentleness of knowing,
fully and with no doubt,
that we are the tangled shoots
gloried and woven, rising up towards
the sky,
chaliced as holy beings,
the radiant breaths of a rayed sun.

mj poem & photo

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Water is Blessed by Faeries Feet

by gryocloudy

Water is blessed by faeries feet.
Springs are purified by their skin,
they know most cruel love misteries,
and strengthen hearts like a forge.

Mischievous they sink, fragile, the canoe.
They play, nude, sweet as honey.
Loyal and beautiful presence to their forest,
they hide their smiles behind the bushes (zagua is proper noun for a bush)

Among laughter and singing, night falls.
But their dance keeps flowing over flowers.
They love, sensuous, their affection grows.

In half-light they forget their fears
If that tender ash come to life again,
they will dance tomorrow again, with great pleasure.


And the spanish original version:

Bendicen con sus pies las hadas, agua,
purifican manantiales con su piel.
saben los misterios del amor más cruel,
y avivan corazones como fragua.

Traviesas hunden frágil la piragua,
juegan desnudas, dulces como la miel,
son al bosque de bella presencia fiel
y ocultan sus sonrisas tras la zagua.

Entre risas y cantos anochece.
Mas la danza sigue sobre las flores,
Aman, sensuales, su cariño crece.

En penumbras olvidan sus temores
ya si aquel tierno fresno reverdece,
danzarán mañana de mil amores.

Watch "Water is Blessed by Faeries Feet" on Youtube

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

from nyc

May your day be filled with sunshine
May your day be filled with love
May every meet be filled with sweet
May you walk to the kindness beat
May many hugs find you as you walk along
May you heart be filled with song ❤️

That's the end of my ditty
Sent with love from New York City :)))

Mish at

Monday, 2 April 2018

Comfortable Silence

Comfortable silence 
sits on the sill
sheltered with the ledge
of the listening deeper.
Shall I fish it from the wind
flowing the curtains 
fluttering as a freedom’s wink?
Or maybe, I will peer
thru the glass lightly
fogging a heart-shaped spot
that is as transitory 
as the moment
that has now slipped into
the past
where the cardinal’s song reverberates
from the bare-boned scrub willows.
Wrapping myself in the afghan’s colors
I know to take the weave 
and string a lifeline to whatever 
will transpire.

mj poem

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Peace Pals International 2017

On November 21, 2017, at the Peace Pals International Awards Ceremony the winners of the 2017 Peace Pals International Art Contest were announced.
20 pieces of artwork were selected from each age category with the theme of Nature for All – Loving the Earth.

Visit to view all submissions from the winners and finalists and to find out more about this years contest which has the theme 'Living Peace - What does Living Peace mean to you?